Jan 15, 2011

Last Night SMS

There are times you hate it when your cell beeps....aargh!  Yet another SMS from that untiring friend with his/her bulky SMS package.  You open the message, just to delete it right away.

But there are times, when you are in need of an emotional boost, and you look forward to what the message has for you...an inspiring proverb, a humorous joke, that might lighten your heart up and blow away some, if not all, of your stress.

Last Night, I got this message, it was from my friend Sonal, whom I never reply, and who never stops sending me such messages.  But just then, at that moment, the text struck me right at the base of my heart.

I share that SMS poem with you:


Sometimes in life we feel so blue,
But someone, somewhere is not as happy as you...
Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps,
Missing his loved ones he silently weeps...
Somewhere a mother painfully sighs,
Coz her new born baby didn't open her eyes...
Somewhere a poor dad silently cries,
When he sees his own son begging for a bowl of rice...
Somewhere in an orphan a litle girl's sad,
When she misses her mom and dad...
So at times a reason to smile you may not have any,
Say to yourself that you're happier than many...
Coz life is beautiful and its not always blue,
And someone, somewhere is not as happy as you...

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