Dec 23, 2011

Of Faces & Punctuation

A full stop on the header
Eyes underlined
Ears holed with comas
Lips, highlight!!

Dec 15, 2011

Selfishness is not one of the 7 deadly sins

I am beginning to be selfisher
And loving it all the same
I do not wish to give up my
Hard earned opportunity game

Why should I be generous
Isn't that an inflated virtue
Why should I go around
Helping people through and through

People usually try to appeal
Your moral values they question
To help others they say
Is a beneficial obsession

I am obsessed only with
Walking towards my dream
I wasn't sent on this earth
To ignore that lighthouse beam

Everyone is supposed to
Play their respective roles
Runners do not stop to
Quicken a fellow runner's strolls

A Samaritan I definitely am
But before and after the race
While I am running on the track
I look not at a needy face

Dec 13, 2011

Her Purse's Womb

She was facing herself
In front of the mirror
But she wasn't herself
Or, or, was she?

She was tense, her whole body
Hair yet to be managed
Eyes yet to be outlined
Lips yet to be moistened

She wasn't looking beautiful,
She was looking terrified
She was looking vulnerable
She was worried, but about what?

Lest anyone should see her
Catch her in that situation
In the process of creating her facade
Her face to the world, the incredible art

Why many women are such?
So afraid of facing the world
So used to the secrecy of a washroom
So cocooned in the make up tools

What makes them this way
Hustled to look 'good' with a comb
So hurried and harried they run
And fumble in the purse's womb

Dec 10, 2011


I tend to be often blinded
I stop and start walking back
I forget what I exactly wanted
My reigns then slip and slack

An uneasiness perturbs me so
I get up quick with motives new
From time to time, hour to hour
I feel a new lease of power

But it lasts only some hours few
And settles deep into the dark
Like sediments in water soiled
It dies a death of  plans foiled

I wish to gain that command over me
So that I move continuously on
Do not stop at hurdles trivial
And do not cringe at problems menial

I wish to soar high above
With thoughts, dreams and wonders to view
I wish to write my history all
Without the pages missing true

Sep 1, 2011

Inequality - the other side

I am the man, strong and bold
I have no pains, no feelings to hold
You are the woman, delicate and weak
You can easily afford a wet cheek

I often make you a victim
Sometimes you have no choice
But whenever you can,
You strongly raise a voice

They may not always punish me
For wrongs I do to you
But when your eyes tell the story
They believe it through and through

At times, you are the cruel me
And I, the poor you
But can I share my story,
As openly as you do?

Aug 11, 2011

Happy Raksha Bandhan

Miss fighting with you all day long,
And cursing you under the breath,
Being taken aback without a clue,
And making angry faces too.

Miss your smile, your square teeth,
Miss the soap on your right cheek,
Miss your sprinkling water on me,
Miss your not calling me Didi.

Miss your shouts and threats,
Pulling the sheets from under your legs,
Waking you up with a childish kick,
Talking to you in Spanish and Greek.

Miss your asking me if you're fat,
Wondering if we just saw a rat,
Watching you flail at the insects.
Sharing with you the Maggie shreds.

Whatever I miss here,
I am sure you miss too!
But on this upcoming special day,
Follow what I am going to say.

On your wrist, you tie a thread,
Wear the thick saffron red,
You are for me, a matter of pride,
But remember to keep some cash aside!

Jun 19, 2011


 Sometimes, your mind needs sweeping, because people keep coming and bombarding it with their negativity and you can't tolerate it anymore. You can neither ignore it, because that will just slow down the rate of your thinking and planning, as a fan slows down when too much dust gathers on its plates. 

So, who are these people who deposit dust and mud in your brain? Just because you are nice and humble enough to keep your mind gates open for them, they think they can throw any garbage and then they expect you to treasure the dirt and appreciate their efforts in having taken that extra mile to execute its home-delivery. They cannot live without the element of 'expectations' and they use the unfulfilment of these expectations to brew 'hatred' for others. Such people are frustrated with their lives and go to all extents in trying to make you their mirror-image.  They spend their time (which can be used better), thinking of 'what' to say to you, and 'how best' to say it, so that their cloning target is accomplished. 
Beware of such people. Because 'sympathy' is what they feed on! And they will come to you, appealing to your moral sense, appealing to your conscience and freaking you out with their words and actions.  If you happen to nod and wait and watch and be happy, then they will start launching the next level of torture targeted and designed especially for you.  If you think of a middle way - of not displeasing them, and neither irritating yourself, then you have to pass the acid test of their bitterness.

 Such people have great potential, and they take no time in making people around them impotent.  So, if you are caught in the web of any such people, and they are crowding your brain with everything that's wrong with them, or so they think, then run for your life!

Be very choosy about what gets into your head.  Because a mind bug is more dangerous than any bloody bug in this whole world.  A mental bug can transform you from man to object in no time. You will lose your ability to think, react sanely, and behave cheerfully. It will eat you up, chew you ravishingly and vomit you out unrecognisable even to your alter-ego.  And you have to be very, very careful, if you want to live cheerfully, that is! Because there are loads of people with such bug-infecting-nature all over the place. Some exist so surreptitiously, and act so clandestinely that they themselves do not realise their contribution to making everything positive on this earth so neutral.  

Preventive measures: First of all, take deep breaths and say to yourself that you will not, no matter what, give in to their meticulous and disciplined efforts to bug-infect your brain.  And then, fill your brain with everything that’s nice in your life. And just pray for such people because, they are the nothing but victims, themselves, of some older, more experienced, bug-infectors. Use a bug-net for your mind-windows and don’t open your doors without screening the content that’s entering the lovely garden of your mind.

Jun 12, 2011

Ingredients of the life of a happy girl

  • Good music
  • Loyal health
  • An untiringly irritating brother
  • Enough money in the purse
  • A girl you can confide in
  • A gay friend
  • Regular supply of nice books
  • Frequent changes in life
  • A few dreams
  • Self confidence
  • Some well deserved freedom 
  • Some one to love

May 6, 2011


A twist with a hand,
With the other, a loop.
A stretch, to make sure,
It doesn't ever droop. 

Then hanging on it,
One by one,
The belongings and the weight,
Even the things we shun.

Blind to the knot.
Tattered in the sun.
Believing, it will,
Never come undone.

False is the belief,
We didn't tie it well.
We did not foresee,
How the weights will swell.

We cannot help,
Increasing the weight.
Newer needs will arise,
At any rate.

We do not have time,
To sift through the heap.
We still want to retain,
What we cannot keep.

We will build a shade,
To protect it from the sun.
Further knots will be needed,
Extra ropes will have to be run.

When more things are hung,
That knot may snap.
But the weight will not,
Suddenly fall on our lap.

Apr 17, 2011

from "Life of Pi"

Why do people move? What makes them uproot and leave everything they've known for a great
unknown beyond the horizon? Why climb this Mount Everest of formalities that makes you feel
like a beggar? Why enter this jungle of foreignness where everything is new, strange and difficult?

The answer is the same the world over: people move in the hope of a better life.

People move because of the wear and tear of anxiety. Because of the gnawing feeling that no matter
how hard they work their efforts will yield nothing, that what they build up in one year will be torn
down in one day by others. Because of the impression that the future is blocked up, that they might
do all right but not their children Because of the feeling that nothing will change, that happiness
and prosperity are possible only somewhere else.

Apr 2, 2011


The routine of opening and closing the eyes
watching the same ceiling greet you twice
Knowing the time of the day
by the smell of the air on its way
The sound of the old fan
the imprints of a daily tan
The same weight of the glass of water
the taste being not a little salter
The same few paces between the walls
the square window and the bird calls
The clothesline just as strong
to the blackened nails they still belong
The switches and wires ever loyal
your entertainment plans they never foil
The picture frames locked in place
the same walls they continue to grace
All these and so much more
Familiar to your deepest core.

Mar 28, 2011

lazy poetry

(don't try rhyming, it doesn't rhyme)

the weather's cold and new
breezy with an unknown hue
as the air strums its waves
the nearby pond quivers
with the sunlight's tickle, it shimmers

Mar 5, 2011

the MTV philosophy

Every now and then, in every sphere, there arrives a threat to the status quo - be it the twisting of the fact that sun revolves round the earth or the suggestion that man evolved from monkeys, who weren't as near to being divine as the ancestral lineage of homo-sapiens was believed to be.  Yet, every such threat forces us to shed our inhibitions, welcome new truths and reshape our perceptions. When MTV arrived, it was no less than one such revolution. And, it continues to be so, more or less.

It started with the idea 'think globally, act locally', and that worked! Soon, the appetite for creative and rebellious catharsis found its takers in various regions around the world, and that spawned the regional MTV versions.  Local lingos cocktailed with globally popular ideas and musical instruments, creating a hybrid variety of culture and expression never seen or experienced before. Purists feared it all. They felt the youth mind was being polluted.  But MTV was not about teaching a way of life, it was about celebrating the freedom of having one of your own.  And that was what clicked.

Jump cuts, quick edits, experiments with sound, punch lines, and boldness in incorporating ever new themes struck the right pulse.  Here was a discourse that spoke to you like a buddy would.  They understood perfectly well, what 'coming of age' was.  And they never tabooed anything. Their VJs (another concept that they created) dressed and thought eccentrically.  They made the doubtful look obvious, the strange look normal.  It was perfectly alright to be abnormal.  They welcomed all the misconceptions, all the jitters and all the butterflies of a young mind and took each one head on, amalgamating them into a precious bond with their viewers.

Their contribution, however, didn't remain trapped in the un-tabooing of the tabooed, as the puritans feared.  As and when the time required, they genuinely involved their viewers in discussions beyond the eye-kohl or the heavy pocket-chain.  They co-sponsored social campaigns, mocked the self-proclaimed netas and at times, took up the cudgels against those who were tainting the image of their collective philosophy.  They were raw, they were shameless, they were bold, they were confident.  But insensitive, is one of the things, they weren't! 

Feb 22, 2011

Financial Cry-sis | 2007 to 2010

(This is the 4th in the series of blogs that I will be writing in an attempt to brush up my general and business specific awareness, improve my thinking, and of course, to substantiate the raison detre of my blog: s p a c e. For starters, the blogs will be intensive in facts and figures, with justifiable opinions, added here and there.  Content will be sourced from Wikipedia and other miscellaneous sites. Intention will be to repackage the information into simpler forms)

Disclaimer: I am uninitiated and unqualified. Any undulations in facts should be excused unconditionally.

A Quick Look
  • Recent Financial Crisis - lasted from 2007 - 2010 (though wiki says 2007-present)
  • Triggered by - Sudden realisation (announcement) by US banks that they had little money left.
  • Resulted in - Collapse of such 'large' banks (with tiny liquid deposits) & Consequent 'bail-out' of banks by 'benevolent' national governments; downturns in stock markets around the world (people stopped 'banking' on others with/for their money)
  • Affected agents - Housing industry, Consumer Wealth, Economic Activity, Key Businesses, Government Pockets
  • Solutions - Market based (e.g.-trading in bonds) and Regulatory solutions (stricter financial policies/conditions for banks)
  • Officially ended - In 2008 - but some people enjoyed spreading the after shocks - (especially some miserly Indian  firms who had been longing to cut jobs and salaries) 

What Happened Basically

Housing Bubble Burst:
See now, people like buying big nice plush homes, without having much money to buy them. What do they do? They take 'home-loans'- because interest rates are low and nice and loans are easy to get. And so, the 'sale' of houses grows in 'account-books'. Thus, the real-estate market 'sales' and housing market 'sales' and construction/builders' market sales 'grew'. And other global financial institutions and investors started investing in such 'growth'. No one thought that the newly married guy and his wife, taking the loan, and living on credit-cards, have little ability to pay it all back.

Soon what happened? Two interesting things: Some people took a 2nd loan to pay back the first one. And slowly, the debt burden grew and grew. The banks realised that they had given away the 'precious' deposits of 'trusting' consumers/depositors/investors to 'untrustworthy' borrowers. How would they pay back! Forget paying back. They did not have enough money to give 'new' loans. The 'cycle' of borrowing and lending was jammed!

All this happened because the 'lending' policy was weak and everyone chose to overlook it.  The big shots had little 'vision' and 'awareness'.  Soon, there were large scale evictions (people were dragged out of their homes), foreclosures (bank wanted to get its money backeven if partially - by selling the house). Now, these things led to 'Fall in Housing Prices'. They plummeted. The bubble burst. Boom. Or rather.. Phushh ~
Many people cried - those who had been lured into investing in real estate. All this was pretty large scale! Trillions of US dollars they say. And I like to imagine that is an understatement. :P

Loans Were Easy to Get:
There was a dot-com bubble (some other time) in US in 2000, and of course the very famous September 11 attacks. All these made Federal Reserve feel that deflation will occur (they were right in their guess :P). So they thought, to increase money circulation, interest rates should be lowered. They were, thus lowered. And so, there was this very high demand for more home-loans. Now, where from will the banks get money, to give more loans?

Note that the US had a great trade deficit (was not able to pay for imports). So what it did? It printed 'papers' - Treasury Bonds, and asked Foreign Countries to 'buy' the bonds for a high price. US used this money to finance its imports.  Now we Asians are good with our money. We Save a lot. And there is a great tendency to buy government bonds. So there was great demand. After all the US government was offering it. This lowered interest rates. (Just as high demand increases prices). Our money was well used by US banks to give more risky loans.

Later the Federal Reserve thought, let us now increase interest rates. People are no longer discouraged by September attacks and dot-com bubble. The economy is healthy now. And then, ... it happened. Phushh ~
But, if not for Asian oil-rich countries and savings-rich Asians, it would have been PHUSHHH~

Other Bad Practices by Financial Institutions
  • Sub-prime lending (giving loans to people with bad track record with debts)
  • Weak and fraudulent underwriting practice (risk avoiding policies, documents and verifications were not present)
  • Fraudulent lending by attracting consumers into dangerous loans through 'apparently' low interest rates.
  • US government had deregulated the market a bit too much. It overestimated the 'maturity' and 'strength' of its financial institutions. Too big to fail. It thought.
  • Increased debt burden : Example - In 2007, if an average American had $100 as disposable income, his debt was $127.
  • Financial innovation and complexity: US banks came up with strange abbreviations - CDO, MBS, ARM, etc. All these were basically euphemisms for 'we are careless-but you can't see'. People couldn't speculate the risks correctly.

What It All Led To
  • Commodity prices fluctuation: When there is less money in the market, and people do not 'intend' to buy/spend, prices fall. People stop being extravagant and spend less. Cash in hand becomes more important than comforts, as they witness so many people losing money in risky investments. First, the prices fell in 2008-2009, then they rose high in 2009-2010 as the demand recovered. I have no idea, if this interpretation is right.
  • Impact on Financial institutions: Several major institutions either failed, were acquired under duress, or were subject to government takeover. These include Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Washington Mutual, Wachovia and AIG.
  • Bank Runs: Fear spreads, and spreads like fire!! When people came to know that their money was not safe in banks, they ran and queued up in long lines at the ATMs and at the Bank counters, to get all their money OUT!! This further pushed the banks into deeper trouble.
  • Wealth Reduction: Federal Reserve or any country's central bank is called 'a lender of last resort'. Federal Reserve became the 'lender of only resort', and in some cases, the 'buyer of last resort'.  A lot of the nation's wealth was spent in bank bail-outs.
  • Global contagion: US banks' risky debts were bought and traded by corporate and institutional investors globally, and thus the 'links' in the chain were formed, leading the crisis into other continents.
  • Emergence of Arabian Cushion and strong belief in the markets of Developing Countries: The Asian nations were flying high on their Kaleen, powered by great surpluses from oil exports. 
The name Goldman Sachs: Despite the crisis of 2007, Goldman Sachs (global investment banking and securities firm) was able to profit from the collapse in the sub-prime mortgage bonds,  by short-selling the 'securities' backed by mortgages. Actually 'mortgages' are a 'hedge' against loss, so securities have a high demand when backed by them. But people did not realise that the mortgages were 'sub-prime' (undependable) and thus spent on them. So now you know, how some people could have made the money that everyone else lost.

Feb 20, 2011

brok e n meanings

my face in the mirror feels familiar
but I still have to know
whose eyes, nose, and lines they are
where was I, when they started to grow

we all have stories
is yours perfect, without confusion..
lately they said, mine is false..
will I have to erase my old illusion

my meanings have been broken
what do I do
just pick up the pieces, wrap them up
and hope for a glue.

Feb 13, 2011

Random Terms and Concepts: Part 1

(This is the 3rd in the series of blogs that I will be writing in an attempt to brush up my general and business specific awareness, improve my thinking, and of course, to substantiate the raison detre of my blog: s p a c e. For starters, the blogs will be intensive in facts and figures, with justifiable opinions, added here and there.  Content will be sourced from Wikipedia and other miscellaneous sites. Intention will be to repackage the information into simpler forms)

Before I jump to the details of 'recession', I realised I need to cover certain basics, which I wrongly presumed, I knew.  So here, I am covering a few concepts that I found 'special' or 'novel'.

TRANSACTION COSTS: Costs incurred in relation to executing a 'sale' or 'buying' of a service or commodity as opposed to the 'price'. This can be:

  • search and information costs: of buyer, or seller, of products, of prices (current and future) order to get the best out of an investment/expenses incurred.
  • bargaining costs: costs required to come to an acceptable agreement with the other party to the transaction, drawing up an appropriate contract and so on. 
  • policing and enforcement costs: to make sure that the other party follows the rules of the contract and to take a course of action (legal), if it flouts the rules.
According to Oliver E. Williamson, the transaction costs are determined by frequency, specificity, uncertainty, limited rationality, and opportunistic behaviour. 
Often, it is said that 'transaction' costs are actually 'institution' costs, as in, the costs that are created by 'firms', 'markets' and 'franchises'...these being the various 'institutions' in an economy. 
There was a transition from the classical and hedonic schools of economic thinking to institutional schools, which was marked by the concept that the basis of an economic thinking was 'TRANSACTION'
The classical schools dealt with mere labour manufacturing commodity 
The hedonic schools dealt with consumers enjoying commodity
The institutional school said that it was the 'transaction' that interfered in the 'labour producing' a commodity or 'consumer enjoying' a commodity. It emphasised that social forces controlled the access to a 'service or product' and hence 'negotiations' were actual and the more important means to aqcuire it.  And this includes the broader context of 'transaction' and doesn't restrict itself to 'give and take'.

SWITCHING COSTS: These are costs that will have to be borne if a seller changes or substitutes the current buyer with a new one; or when a buyer changes/substitutes the current seller, with a new one.

There can be three specific cases: When the such costs are high only for Seller (MONOPSONY)
                                                         When the such costs are high only for Buyer (MONOPOLY)
                                                         When the such costs are high for both (BILATERAL MONOPOLY)

MARKET ECONOMY: It relies primarily on the 'interactions' between buyers and sellers to allocate resources. Here, decisions on production, distribution, pricing and investment are made my private owners of the factories of production based on their individual interests (a blind-belief in this system is blamed to an extent, for the recession period 2007-10)

PLANNED / COMMAND ECONOMY: Here, the above referred decisions are taken by the central government. It draws out the map and the rules of manoeuvreing, for the participants in an economic transaction. 

PLANNED MARKET ECONOMY: Here, the government uses 'indicative' planning, by exerting moderate influence over the market interactions, through the tools like subsidies, grants and taxes, but doesn't compel. I believe, this is the kind of economy India follows...a 'middle' path...everywhere :)

EFFICIENT MARKET HYPOTHESIS (EHM): It asserts that markets are informationally efficient, that is, one cannot gain continually on the basis of monopoly over the 'information' or 'data' related to the transaction costs.  When everybody has easy access to such information, markets as a whole, as a cluster, reacts 'rationally' to a new information, though there may be individual cases of over-reaction or under-reaction (Just what factors influence market reaction, will be covered in a later blog)

ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP): A business is a constantly changing phenomenon. The items are sold continuously, money enters and leaves the cash books now and then, and all of these, collevctively, have an effect on the company health, and hence should be constantly judged in order to change plans or take new decisions.  But it is virtually impossible to guage and track all the data manually, and even more so, to sift and process the information in order to find what is 'relevant' to management functions, and interactions. Thus an 'automated' system, using software applications is used to do these functions. 
ERP integrates internal and external management information across an entire organisation (finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales, services) and facilitates the flow of this information between all business functions inside the boundaries of an organisation. This thereby helps the company to manage its connections to outside stakeholders.
Related terms: MIS (Management Information System), EIS (enterprise..), SCM (Supply Chain Management), Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

FINANCIAL MARKETS: It is a mechanism that allows people to buy and sell financial securities (stocks and bonds) and commodities (precious metals and agricultural goods) and other fungible items (when one unit of an article is equal in value to any other unit of the same article). It works in an environment where transaction costs are lower and market information is widely available and accessible.
Financial Markets facilitate:
  • Raising capital - In capital market business enterprises and governments raise long-term funds
  • Risk transfer - In derivative market a contract can be drawn, such that, it fixes the 'price' of a financial instrument at a current rate, and binds the contract holders to abide by that price, irrespective of future variations in the price of that instrument. Thus it has a 'value', and can itself be 'traded' (the contract paper can be traded). Such a contract can be used in combination with other risky investments (price dependent on markets) to balance the risk for an individual. (Hopefully, more on various alternative investments..later)
  • International Trade - In currency market, for example, it involves purchasing the quantity of one currency by paying the quantity of another currency.

LIQUIDITY: It is a feature of being 'easy' to sell.  A product will be easy to sell (related to transaction costs), when the buyer will be able to 'resell' it too, as and when needed, with no loss, or even preferable, some gain! Money, or 'cash in hand' is the most liquid asset. 
An act of exchange of a less liquid asset with a more liquid asset is called 'Liquidation'.
Liquidity also refers to business's ability to fulfill its payment obligations; that is, the presence of sufficient liquid assets.

MARKET TRENDS: It is just the 'behaviour' of a market, its tendency to move in a particular direction (as we say share market gir gaya/ uth gaya). Now, there are 'trends' within trends.  To draw an analogy, how would you say India's climate is? You will say, it is Tropical.  But would you say the same for Himalayan region? No! So there are climates within a larger climatic region.  Similarly, there are Very Long Term trends - SECULAR TRENDS, which are made up of a series of PRIMARY MARKET TRENDS, which are again, made up of further, even shorter-period SECONDARY MARKET TRENDS. The term bull market refers to upward movement in market and the term bear market refers to downward movement in the same

  • Secular Market Trends: Lasts 5-25 years. There may be secular bear/bull markets depending on which of the two are larger influence - bears or bulls
  • Secondary Market Trends: These are short term changes in price direction lasting for a few weeks or a few months. One such price change, when downward, can be termed as 'price correction', usually it is a decline of 5% to 20%.  It is not a decline so low, as to be termed a bear market. A similar contrary trend can be a slight, may be temporary rise in a largely bearish market - 10% to 20% - which is not enough to make it bullish. This situation is called as a 'bear market rally'. (don't know why - help..anybody?? - I know nobody reads this stuff I write here)
  • Primary Market Trends: This lasts for a year or more.


POISON PILL: Usually, a company tries to prevent being 'bought' by another. Buying a company can be done by 'buying' majority shares of that company.  Now, if a company feels that it is under such a threat, it can issue more shares, such that, the 'attacking company' will need to 'invest' more than it earlier expected/planned, to be able to buy a big percentage of the total number of shares (now suddenly increased). Poison Pill is such a strategy to discourage hostile takeovers.

WHITE KNIGHT: It is really interesting! Consider a situation where company A is in threat of being bought by party B.  To buy A, B will simply buy its shares, which are available in the market.  Now, to save itself, company A wants to protect its shares.  But it may not be able to buy its own shares, on account of certain issues. Then, a friendly partner will help it, buy capturing its shares (buying them, temporarily may be) before the dangerous party B can do so. Such a friendly partner is called a white knight.

Bored now :( other terms if anybody is waiting for them... :P 

Feb 11, 2011


(This is the 2nd in the series of blogs that I will be writing in an attempt to brush up my general awareness, my writing skills, and of course, to substantiate the raison detre of my blog: s p a c e. For starters, the blogs will be intensive in facts and figures, with justifiable opinions, added here and there.  Content will be sourced from Wikipedia and other miscellaneous sites. Intention will be to repackage the information into simpler forms)

India Inc. is a term used to refer to the 'formal' sector of the nation. By formal, here, we mean well orgnanised instututions and enterprises, that have a critical and major contribution in a nation's economy.  According to the surveys done, it has been seen that India Inc. employed just 7% of the national workforce, and yet contributed 60% to the nominal GDP of the nation.

There are well over 8 lakh companies in India. Not surprisingly, 1/5th or 20% each headquartered in Maharashtra  and Delhi, and 1/8th in West Bengal (and they say, Communists are anti-industrial-development). Of all the companies in India, a huge majority are the Private Limited Companies.

Any body, aiming for an MBA, must know about the major companies in India, that have made a mark on not just the national economy, but even international discourse.

To begin, I decided to do a basic study of the INDIAN companies listed in the FORBES GLOBAL 2000 ranking for the year 2010. It should be noted, that this is a list considering only the PUBLIC companies, and had been prepared based on certain parameters, which when changed, could affect changes in the list itself!

Reliance Industries
Oil & Gas Operations
Mukesh Ambani, Chairman & MD
State Bank of India Group (state-owned)
O.P. Bhatt, Chairman
Oil & Natural Gas (state-owned)
Oil & Gas Operations
Dehradun, Uttaranchal
A. K. Hazarika, Chairman & MD
K. V. Karmath (Chairman), Chanda Kochhar (MD & CEO)
Indian Oil (state-owned)
Oil & Gas Operations
New Delhi
S. V. Narsimhan (Chairman- acting)
NTPC (state-owned)
Arup Roy Choudhury (Chairman & MD)
Tata Steel
Ratan Tata (Chairman)
Bharti Airtel
Telecommunications Services
New Delhi
Sunil Bharti Mittal (Chairman & MD)
Steel Authority of India (state-owned)
New Delhi
Chandra Shekhar Verma (Chairman)
Larsen and Toubro
A. M. Naik (Chairman & MD)
Hasmukhbhai Parekh
Punjab National Bank (nationalised) 
New Delhi
- ?-
Bharat Heavy Electricals (state-owned)
Capital Goods
New Delhi
B. Prasad Rao
Tata Consultancy Services
Software & Services
Ratan Tata (Chairman)
Reliance Communications
Telecommunications Services
Navi Mumbai
Anil Ambani, Chairman
HDFC Housing Development
Diversified Financials
apparentky same as HDFC -
apparentky same as HDFC -
Infosys Technologies
Software & Services
N. R. Narayana Murthy (Chairman)
Kris Gopalakrishnan (CEO & MD)
Software & Services
Azim Premji (Chairman), T.K. Kurien (CEO)
Axis Bank
Adarsh Kishore (Chairman)
Shikha Sharma (MD & CEO)
Bank of Baroda (nationalised)
M D Mallya (Chairman & MD)
Hindalco Industries
Kumar Mangalam Birla (Chairman)
Canara Bank (state-owned)
S. Raman (Chairman & MD)
Food, Drink & Tobacco
West Bengal
Y C Deveshwar (Chairman)
Power Grid of India (state-owned)
S. K. Chaturvedi (Chairman & MD)
Bharat Petroleum (state-owned)
Oil & Gas Operations
R K Singh (Chairman & MD)
Power Finance (state-owned)
Business Services & Supplies
New Delhi
Mr. Satnam Singh (Chairman & MD)
Jindal Steel & Power
New Delhi
Savitri Jindal
Union Bank of India (state-owned)
Mavila Vishwanathan Nair (Chair)
Hindustan Petroleum (state-owned)
Oil & Gas Operations
S Roy Choudhury (Chairman & MD)
Mahindra & Mahindra
Consumer Durables
Anand Mahindra (Chairman)
NHPC (Govt.of India Enterprise)
S K Garg (Chairman & MD)
Indian Overseas Bank
M Narendra (Chairman & MD)
Grasim Industries
Kumar Mangalam Birla (Chairman & MD)
Oil India (state-owned)
Oil & Gas Operations
Nayan Mani Borah (Chairman & MD)
Sun Pharma Industries
Drugs & Biotechnology
Dilip S Sanghvi (Chairman)
Rural Electrification (state-owned)
Diversified Financials
New Delhi, I guess -
Ministry of Power administers it -
Tata Power
Prasad Menon (MD)
Indian Bank (nationalised)
T M Bashin (Chairman & MD)
Hero Honda Motors
Consumer Durables
New Delhi
Brijmohan Lal Munjal (Chair & Founder)
Syndicate Bank
Basanth Seth (Chairman & MD) 
IDBI Bank (state-owned)
Shri R M Malla (CMD)
Oriental Bank of Commerce (nationalised)
New Delhi
T Y Prabhu (Chairman & MD) 
Reliance Infrastructure
Anil Ambani (Chairman & MD)
HCL Technologies
Software & Services
Shiv Nadar (Founder, Chairman, CSO)
Vineet Nayar (CEO) 
Central Bank of India (state-owned)
Mr. S Sridhar
Corporation Bank (Public Sector Undertaking)
- ? -
National Aluminium (NALCO) (Public Sector)
Ministry of Mines -
Allahabad Bank (nationalised)
Shri J P Dua (Chairman & MD)
Adani Enterprises
Trading Companies
Gautam Adani (Chairman)
United Commercial Bank (UCO) (nationalised)
ACC (The Associated Cement Companies Ltd)
N S Sekhsaria (Chairman)

First FIFTEEN rankers:

JPMorgan Chase
Jamie Dimon, Chairman, President & CEO
General Electric
Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman & CEO
Bank of America
Charles O. Holiday, Chairman
Bryan Moynihan, President & CEO
Oil & Gas Operations
Rex W. Tillerson, President, Chairman & CEO
Jiang Jianqing, Chairman & Executive Director
Banco Santander
Emilio Botin, Chairman
Alfredo Saenz Abad, CEO
Wells Fargo
John G. Stumpf, Chairman, President & CEO
HSBC Holdings
Douglas Flint (Group Chairman)
Stuart Gulliver (Group Chief Executive)
Royal Dutch Shell
Oil & Gas Operations
Jorma Ollila (Chairman),
Peter Voser (CEO)
 Oil & Gas Operations
Carl-Henric Svanberg (Chairman), Bob Dudley (CEO)
BNP Paribas
Bauouin Prot (CEO),
Michel Pebereau (Chairman)
Petro China
Oil & Gas Operations
Jiang Jiemin (Chairman of the Board)
Zhou Jiping (CEO)
Telecommunications Services
Randall L. Stephenson, CEO, Chairman, President
Wal-Mart Stores
Mike Duke (CEO)
H. Lee Scott (Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board)
S. Robson Walton (Chairman)
Berkshire Hathaway
Diversified Financials
Warren E. Buffett (Chairman & CEO)

Among the 2000 companies, well over 500 were headquartered in United States - more than 25% guys! 
In Japan - Over 270
About 160 in China (including some of Hong Kong).
As mentioned above in the list, 50 or so were from India.

SECTOR wise: (number of companies)
Banking - 300+
Diversified Financials - 150+ - (various lending products home equity loans, credit cards, insurance, security, investment products)
Oil & Gas Operations - 100+
Materials - 100+ (inputs to production and manufacturing)
Utilities - 100+ (infrastructure for a public service)
Insurance - 100+
Construction - 80+
Food, Drink & Tobacco - 80+
Transportation - 80+
Technology Hardware and Equipment - 50+ (related to electronics)
Telecommunications Services - 50+
Capital Goods - 50+ (factories, machinery, tools, equipment)
Chemicals - 50+
Retailing - 50+
Consumer Durables - 50+ (home appliances, consumer electronics, furniture etc.)
Media - 50+
Business Services and Supplies - <50 (Banking, Internet, Office Supplies etc)
Conglomerates - <50 (often a multi-industry company, formed when two or more corporations combine)
Aerospace & Defense - <50
Drugs & Biotechnology - <50
Food Markets - <50
Health Care Equipment and Services - <50
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure - <50
Household & Personal Products - <50
Semiconductors - <50
Software & Services - <50
Trading Companies - <50 (may involve in exports and imports of a product)