Apr 2, 2012


My mind's like this precious page
I keep cleaning it from negative thoughts
I guess that's the biggest of all battles I fight
Every moment, every nano second

It is easy to be unaware of what's bothering me
But I got to have it in my hands
A worry, a complex, a fear, an anticipation
There are just too many things that can haunt you

Most importantly, being undisturbed by what's happening
To whom it is happening and why it is happening
Sometimes, thinking, trying to find reasons of that which is and that which is not
It is such a hard task to just be, at peace with oneself

'Negativity', it can come from anywhere,
From those you listen to intently, those you believe in,
As well as from your own mind, your very treacherous brain,
Always trying to fool you into travelling to a world of doubt and hesitation

I have realized, that as people mature, become wiser, and evolve
Their problems do not simplify or become tinier
Instead, they become more challenging and more insidious
Everything in this world constantly becomes better and man is expected to do the same

So if you do 10 crunches on Monday, you are expected to do 12 the next
If you don't you are not in line with this world
You are stagnant, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward
That's why it is said, may be; that as you grow big, battles grow bigger too

You have to have the vision to fathom their size, to recognize...

1 comment:

  1. Silky,pretty name, you have...

    man is greed presonified.. and sometimes you want to hate it but at other, you are it.

    morality is weapon of weak ..it always was.. no one wants you to continue..you yourself do..not to become weak as weak is crushed by greed of his own and others..

    my take is simple ..grab as much as you can .and return some back like a coin or a bread..that will suffice and sedate the soul.. for sometime O:-)
