Sometimes, your mind needs sweeping, because people keep coming and bombarding it with their negativity and you can't tolerate it anymore. You can neither ignore it, because that will just slow down the rate of your thinking and planning, as a fan slows down when too much dust gathers on its plates.
Such people have great potential, and they take no time in making people around them impotent. So, if you are caught in the web of any such people, and they are crowding your brain with everything that's wrong with them, or so they think, then run for your life!
Be very choosy about what gets into your head. Because a mind bug is more dangerous than any bloody bug in this whole world. A mental bug can transform you from man to object in no time. You will lose your ability to think, react sanely, and behave cheerfully. It will eat you up, chew you ravishingly and vomit you out unrecognisable even to your alter-ego. And you have to be very, very careful, if you want to live cheerfully, that is! Because there are loads of people with such bug-infecting-nature all over the place. Some exist so surreptitiously, and act so clandestinely that they themselves do not realise their contribution to making everything positive on this earth so neutral.
Preventive measures: First of all, take deep breaths and say to yourself that you will not, no matter what, give in to their meticulous and disciplined efforts to bug-infect your brain. And then, fill your brain with everything that’s nice in your life. And just pray for such people because, they are the nothing but victims, themselves, of some older, more experienced, bug-infectors. Use a bug-net for your mind-windows and don’t open your doors without screening the content that’s entering the lovely garden of your mind.